
武維身型比較(4pcs) copy.jpg
他內褲穿二件,先一件外架鐵衣,再一件內褲(怕磨到皮),由尾椎至上背架鋼板,兩肩由鐵架後鉤固定,看樣子很難活動。 我說:先試穿(筋膜衣),非他標準尺寸試試。他立馬說:可以、可以,我加碼要他大動作蹲下,他很怕,我說無彷,蹲下後,我又拉他往前趴,我讓他感覺十足信心,無所畏懼。我問:可以量身了嗎?他說:ok。二週後交貨,他聖誕節前要回德國。

Dressing steps: Wear models, please sit down, Keep the lower body free of weight. Then, hook on the shoulder strap. Bend forward,pull to the end! Please,stand up. Start spiraling.(spiral rotation)
Spiral rotation; like screw turn around. Correspondence between scapula and femur. Running is the link of spiral turns.
You can practice for a few minutes,You will feel the mold is released.
then, sit down and tighten the shoulder strap. And I go to modify the clothes.
Shake your hand! Four times squat once. You will feel foot massage.There are five internal organs signals on the soles of the feet.
Everything in the universe is spiral:wind blow, grass weir,Water flow,Bowel movements,Dialysis hemodialysis…. Are spiral.
Diet energy regeneration is acid-base balance:2 alkaline1acid,Alkaline includes all vegetarian foods(Two plates),Acidic includes all animal proteins(one plates)
Center of gravity theory:Balance between pull-up and droop.
Fascia is connective tissue combined with skeletal,muscle, skin, fat….
The fascia will age, block, and atrophy,But Artificial fascia will only break and will not age.
Wear fascia; the first important scapular hoisting, the second is the strapping (fit, not tight). Standard posture: with toes in front, shoulders and pubic bone perpendicular to the line, frontal belly line parallel to the back waist. Fascia is a code of conduct: eating, sitting, standing, walking, moving things ..., so you can take it off and take it off at night to bathe and relax and sleep. It is the science of cell correction; it is not the way back, only forward, not backward. Just practice it often enough that you can bear your weight and posture when you are old.
Wisdom (shows up),  After significant development potential
氣功 breathing exercise (air flow) ,a kind of hold back breathing
You can hold back you breathing with 1 to 10 degrees。
You can kold 3 degree long time,and continued to breath (hearing the inhale and exhale voice)。You will feel whole body(fascia) warm up。
Body, Mind,and Soul are (Material, energy, information)
靜功(static)  silent, quiet, still,(medition)
動功(dynamic)  kong fu,sport,dance,active

紛絲團: 凹凸坊天體模型‧我的神奇盔甲



連來自海南島的美女都選擇了 ~ 凹凸坊
